THE HAWAII, GUAM, SAIPAN & AMERICAN SAMOA RESULTS ARE IN! 64 to 11 in Favor of the United Federation LEOS-PBA YES!
10/23/23 The 138 Paragon Systems, Inc Protective Service Officers PSO's in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan & American Samoa voted overwhelmingly to DUMP their current union SPiT-FA to join the United Federation LEOS-PBA in yet another embarrassing loss for SPiT-FA and its current President David L. Hickey.
SPiT-FA received only eleven (11) votes out of 138 votes, making it clear that the members are tired of SPiT-FA's lack of years of NO service to its members.
SPiT-FA International President David L. Hickey shown above in a wheelchair looking like he is in severe pain. This was most likely the same reaction he had after finding out that he just lost Boston, Arizona and now another Paragon / SPiT-FA unit this time, losing Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa his crown jewel to our Union, United Federation LEOS-PBA!
"Today's loss is a real-life forecast of what lies ahead for the troubled SPiT-FA and its 70 year old President, David L. Hickey who continues to spread its continued false political propaganda and lies each and everyday to our members by way of text messages, emails, phone calls, social media, video's and propaganda websites they run and control, promoting hatred vs focusing on promoting the merits of their achievements to our members by personally attacking me, my family, our Union and our representatives". Noted United Federation LEOS-PBA Organizing Director Steve Maritas.
"Today just shows everyone that Hickey's smear tactic methodology is failing once again as thousands of his members have and continue to vote to leave Hickey's union SPiT-FA, which now includes Hawaii, Guam, Saipan, American Samoa, Boston, Arizona, Georgia, DC 12 Circuit court in Washington DC and soon JPL in California just to name a few" noted Maritas
Our Union would like to thank all of Paragon System, Inc PSO team leaders in Hawaii, Guam Saipan and American Samoa as well as our organizing team members from California, Virginia, Arizona, Boston, Washington DC and New York who actively took part in this campaign. Your commitment and determination to overcome the false hateful narrative and physical attack by SPiT-FA in this campaign was unprecedented and we truly acknowledge your commitment. We will continue to fight on as we embark on new campaigns promoting the benefits of joining our Union and successfully negotiating and representing our new Paragon PSO members from Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa into our United Federation LEOS-PBA family.
The Paragon 138 PSO's in Hawaii, Guam, Saipan and American Samoa now join the 140 Paragon PSO's in Boston who just recently joined our United Federation LEOS-PBA family by a score of 36 to 18 as well as the ISS Action Transportation Officers in Arizona as noted below.
The question that many Paragon Protective Officers as well as security professionals around the country is asking is what makes our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA so successful?
Maybe it's the fact we better service our members as well as negotiating the best CBA's with the highest wage increases Paragon PSO's have ever seen, since they have decided to unionize. The numbers don't lie as noted below!
In NYC our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful in negotiating a three dollar and fifty cent ($3.50) an hour wage increase on behalf of our Paragon NYC members this does not include an additional $0.45 cents in their H&W bringing their total wage increase to $3.95 an hour!
In Boston our Union, United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful in negotiating the highest wage increase these Paragon Boston PSO's have ever seen a $2.73 cent wage increase that dose not include their H&W wage increase.
In both Los Angeles & San Diego, California our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA was successful in negotiating a wage increase that gives both Los Angeles & San Diego, California Paragon PSO's a wage rate over forty $40.00 dollars an hour which does not include their H&W contributions.
United Federation LEOS-PBA now represents more Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service Officers PSO's than any other security union. Representing Paragon PSO's in Boston, Los Angeles California, Riverside, San Bernardino counties, San Diego & Imperial counties, California, Kentucky, New York City, Upstate New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, & Washington DC Capitol Region just to mention a few.
If you wish to join or form a security union at your workplace them please join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benefit Association the true authority of Law Enforcement, Protective Service Officers, Special Police Officers, Security Police Officers, Nuclear Security Officers, K9 Handlers, Security Officers, Security Guards and Security Professionals nationwide. Contact us today @ 1-800-516-0094 or visit our website @
Organizing: 1-800-516-0094
United Federation LEOS-PBA (202) 595-3510