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Paragon San Diego PSO's to Become the Highest Paid PSO's in The Country Come July 1, 2024 Making $43.00 an hour Under the Leadership of the United Federation LEOS-PBA

Updated: Jun 25

San Diego California - On July 1, 2024 the Paragon Systems, Inc PSO's in San Diego & Imperial Valley, California will now become the highest paid protective service officers PSO's in the country as our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA and LEOSU-CA was successful in negotiating a $3.00 wage increase come July 1, 2024.

The unprecedented July 1, 2024 $3.00 wage increase comes on the heals of an $2.77 wage increase back on January 1, 2024 plus a $0.25 and welfare increase negotiated by our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA just six months prior for a total wage increase of $3.02 cents per hour. In total with the upcoming July 1, 2024, three dollar $3.00 wage increase as well as an additional H&W increase these San Diego / Imperial Valley Paragon PSO's will receive an unprecedented six dollar and seventeen cent $6.17 wage increase within 6 months which has never happened before to the best of our knowledge.

United Federation LEOS-PBA President Charles "Chip" Strebeck noted our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA has just made history in four ways. First by negotiating the highest wage increase ever on behalf of any Paragon PSO's in San Diego a $3.00 an hour wage increase. Two, by our Union negotiating a total $6.17 cent wage increase which is the highest increase ever seen, within a six month period which has never happened before in Paragon's history. And three on July 1, 2024 the Paragon PSO's in San Diego will now be the highest paid Paragon PSO's in the country going from $40.00 an hour to $43.00 dollar an hour which is higher than the Paragon Los Angeles PSO's we represent who have a wage rate of $40.57 per hour. And four Our Union had negotiated a total wage & health & welfare increase of almost a $10.00 per hour raise within a 2 and a half year period which is unheard of in our industry. Noted Strebeck.

It should be noted that these Paragon San Diego PSO's were previously represented SPiT-FA who lost to our Union, back on November 10, 2020 in an embarrassing loss for both SPiT-FA and its President David L. Hickey by a score of 84 to 2.

Under SPiT-FA President David L. Hickey, the Paragon PSO's only received a mere $0.67 cent raise (2%) as noted above. From $33.40 back on January 1, 2020 to $34.07 on January 1, 2021 as shown above.

Upon our Unions first negotiations with the company we were successful in negotiating our first raise of $1.36 raise come January 1, 2022, which brought the San Diego PSO's new rate from $34.07 to $35.43 an hour.

BREAKDOWN of San Diego Raises going back to January 1, 2020:

January 1, 2020 San Diego PSO's wage rate under SPiT-FA was $33.40

January 1, 2021 San Diego PSO's wage rate under SPiT-FA was $34.07 a $0.67 wage increase.

January 1, 2022 San Diego PSO's wage rate was increased by $1.36 per hour by our Union for a new wage rate of $35.43 an hour.

January 1, 2023 San Diego PSO's wage rate was increased by $1.80 per hour by our Union for a new wage rate $37.23 from $35.43 an hour.

January 1, 2024 San Diego PSO's wage rate was increased by $2.77 per hour by our Union for a new wage rate $40.00 dollars an hour from $37.23 an hour.

July 1, 2024 San Diego PSO's wage rate was increased by $3.00 per hour by our Union for a new wage rate $43.00 dollars an hour from $40.00 an hour.

A Look back from our first negotiations 4,847 views  Jul 29, 2021

The Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions LEOSU-CA recently organized 257 Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service officers in San Diego, Riverside, San Bernardino and Imperial Counties. San Diego California July 29, 2021 - The Paragon Systems Protective Service Officers who are entrusted to protect the federal buildings and the borders in San Diego, San Bernardino Riverside and Imperial counties will soon be voting to accept a new 3 year collective bargaining agreement negotiated by the Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions LEOSU-CA, United Federation LEOS-PBA and our bargaining committee. The Law Enforcement Officers Security Unions LEOSU-CA, United Federation LEOS-PBA and our bargaining committee were successful in negotiating with Paragon Systems the highest wage increase they ever had on this contract which is a 4% increase amounting to a $1.36 an hour wage increase in the first year of the contract plus an increase in their Health & Welfare benefits and access to a new Kaiser health plan starting this upcoming January.


Back in 2020 the 257 Paragon Systems Protective Service Officers in San Diego, San Bernardino Riverside and Imperial counties voted to switch unions to LEOSU-CA, United Federation LEOS-PBA seeking independence from their former International union that for years had failed them, making BIG promises and delivering NOTHING! "While some might say that a 4% raise ($1.36) is not really that big a deal, when you compare that to what our former International Union negotiated back in September of 2020 a 2% raise or $0.67 cent per hour raise a 4% raise is huge" noted United Federation LEOS-PBA / LEOSU-CA Local 52 President Robert Saenz. "Never before has anyone on this San Diego federal contract ever before received a 4% yearly wage increase".


In addition to the 4% wage increase plus an increase in the Health & Welfare benefits, the LEOSU-CA was successful in increasing the top secret clearance rate from $2.00 to $4.00 per hour and the secret clearance rate from a $1.00 to $3.00 an hour. This is in addition to our 4% wage increase. "Since the majority of the San Diego Paragon Protective Service Officers PSO's work on a site which requires a secret clearance or a top secret clearance this is a major wage increase for our LEOSU-CA Local 52 members noted Yobanny Alvarez LEOSU-CA Local 52 Secretary Treasurer.


Some of the other highlights negotiated included the option to switch from their present healthcare plan to a Kaiser plan this coming January, Cash out of their sick days and vacation. The right to be paid during the interim period during a suspension pending investigation and many other language changes that protect our LEOSU-CA Local 52 members. A ratification vote of our newly organized San Diego Paragon Systems group will take place shortly. We wish to thank the San Diego bargaining committee as well as Jon Axelrod our General Counsel and Laura Hagan General Counsel for Paragon Systems who participated in these successful negotiations.

Under our Union United Federation LEOS-PBA we were successful in negotiating the following benefits on behalf of the Paragon Systems, Inc Local 52 protective service officers PSO's.

Negotiated the highest hourly pay increases in the last 8 years, culminating to a 17.41% increase since January 2022.

  • Sick leave to be front loaded.

  • San Diego PSO's can switch to Kaiser Insurance.

  • All grievances (over 25) filed by local representatives were pushed through to mediation and/or arbitration unless either the grievant had requested the grievance be withdrawn, or the company settled the grievance satisfactorily. For the record, we were at no point ever told by the International that a grievance "did not have merit” which is something we were accustomed to with our previous union when considering grievances for mediation or arbitration requests in spite of grievances having compelling circumstances in the members favor.

  • Fought vehemently and successfully for the company to cease the high degree of suspensions and post removals employees were being subjected to. For the record, grievances were filed for every post removal that had occurred that members had informed local representatives about. 

  • Fought vehemently and successfully in arbitration against the company for it to cease its mandated pre-qualification (what should've been practice) round, during our FAQ, which essentially required employees qualify twice. This was a major member issue we were constantly inundated about.

  • Elevated numerous incidents/issues that were deemed to be extremely urgent, beyond grievance protocols and upon local representatives requests, immediately elevated the incidents/issues to the company’s executive level in Virginia, and obtained resolutions with each of the occurrences.

  • Licensed Attorney on retainer available for counsel when/if needed. This is an important tool which was not available for local representatives with our previous union.

  • Please read Robert Saenz former President of Local 52 email below on how he compares our Union, United Federation LEOS-PBA vs SPiT-FA.

United Federation LEOS-PBA now represents more Paragon Systems Inc Protective Service Officers PSO's than any other security union. Representing Paragon PSO's in Los Angeles California, Riverside, San Bernardino counties, San Diego & Imperial counties, California, Kentucky, New York City, Upstate New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, & Washington DC Capitol Region just to mention a few.

If you wish to join or form a security union at your workplace them please join the United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benefit Association the true authority of Law Enforcement, Protective Service Officers, Correctional Officers, Special Police Officers, Security Police Officers, Nuclear Security Officers, K9 Handlers, Event Security, Transportation Security Officers TSO's, Security Officers, Security Guards and Security Professionals nationwide. Contact us today @ 1-800-516-0094 or visit our website @

Organizing: 1-800-516-0094

United Federation LEOS-PBA (202) 595-3510

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