Beck Rights - Communications Workers of America v. Beck
Notice to Our Security Officer members (Beck/General Motors Notices) The right by law to belong to the United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its affiliated National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates and to participate in its affairs is a very important right. Currently, you also have the right to refrain from becoming a member of United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates. If you choose this option, you may elect to satisfy requirements of a contractual union security provision by paying the equivalent of an initiation fee and monthly dues to the United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates. In addition, non-members who object to payment in full of the equivalent of dues and fees may file written objections to funding expenditures that are not germane to the United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates duties as your agent for collective bargaining. If you choose to be an objector, your financial obligation may be reduced very slightly. Individuals who choose to file such objections should advise the United Federation LEOS-PBA in writing to our attorney at its business address noted below. United Federation LEOS-PBA will then advise you of the amounts which you must pay and how these amounts are calculated, as well as any procedures we have for challenging our computations.
Please be advised that non-member status constitutes a full waiver of the rights and benefits of United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates membership. More specifically, this means that you would not be allowed to vote on contract modifications or new contracts; would be ineligible to hold union office or participate in union elections and all other rights, privileges, and benefits established for and provided to active the United Federation LEOS-PBA and/or any of its National Unions, Local Unions, Divisions or Affiliates members by our Constitution and Bylaws.
We are confident that after considering your options, you will conclude that the right to participate in the decision making process of your Union is of vital importance to you, your family and your co-workers. Your involvement in your union is vital to the protection of job security, wages, benefits, and working conditions.
Should you have questions about your BECK RIGHTS or if you wish to be a non-member please send a written request by certified suggested mail to:
Law Firm Beins, Axelrod, P.C. 1717 K Street N.W. Suite 1120 Washington DC 20006
Please Note: Members may satisfy its financial obligations through a dues checkoff card and/or by direct mail sent to the above address. Please make check payable to United Federation LEOS-PBA and note your full name, the shop and month your paying for. Any questions contact us at 1-202-595-3510.
GC 19-04 Unions' Duty to Properly Notify Employees of Their General Motors/Beck Rights and to Accept Dues Checkoff Revocations after Contract Expiration
Beck Case Handling and Chargeability Issues in Light of United Nurses & Allied Professionals (Kent Hospital